Ass Between Us
Ass between Us is a quick scrambled collection of ideas and rough material that I've presented in February 2016 in ICI-CCN Montpellier as part of the master program ‘exerce’. Later, In April 2016 I re-staged the work for ’Talking to a deer friend’, a four nights performance event I’ve curated in Dock11 in Berlin.
Initially inspired by composting processes, this body of work was developed during my MA studies. A shift of focus became a practice of stepping into my own making and thinking. In this practice, I was not centered on creating a finished choreographic work, but in opening space and form as an archeological site of unwritten futures. Tracing connections and investing time in undoing/unknowing, in enriching the ability to observe what is already there and work through sensations.
Choreography: Mor Demer
Performers ICI-CCN Montpellier: Anya Kravchenko, Hamdi Dridi, Paola Stella Minni, Kaisha Essiane, Mor Demer.
Performers Berlin’s edition: Jessy Layne Tuddenham, Marcio Kerber Canabarro, Anya Kravchenko, Asaf Aharonson, Mor Demer.
A friend from another planet: Asaf Aharonson.
Thanks to:
‘exerce’ / ICI-CCN team and my colleagues at the MA, DOCK11 and Gadi Demer.